Asian Parents - Part 1

Thursday, 27 August 2009
I know this topic has been raged about for here, i go into detail on how my mum + dad are like old school asian parents. Plus it looks report formatish as im just doing so much of those, so sorry for the style.

Well, everyone knows old school asian parents are annoying, how they force you to do work, become a (one of the following): Doctor/Medicine (of any sort), Pharmacy, Chemist, Dentist, Politician, Lawyer (of any sort), Solicitor, Buisiness areas, awesome musician that earns lots of money/become famous, awesome architecture, and basically awesome anything so you earn lots of money. I swear, my mum must know everyone single job, and how much it pays, how long you have to do it in uni (for asians, tafe is not an option, its uni or u suck at being a child)

Throughout school, and sometimes in your life, they want you to become a leader, debate or do chess, weekend tutoring or just tutoring in general (from an young age), make you learn your background language (in depth) to "boost" ur op mark when you do it at school, maths c, the SUICIDE COURSE (maths b,c, eng, chem, phys, bio), become prefect, house/school captain, maintain the average level of asians (A) in school work, achieve awesome academic awards and get OP 1, obtain any sort of award (mum raged at me for not getting an "effort award" O.O, beat all the other kids in school, beat them in everything so your the best and never do drugs or join gangs (this is the only one i agree with). Oh and one last point on schooling, my mum is never satisfied with an A, only if i "beat" everyone in the class.

They basically want to control ur whole freakin life, right down to same ethnicity marraige, like somehow you bring dishonour if you marry a diff ethnicity, or simply they wont like them. When they grow old you give them ots of money (because, remember, youve got a good job!), they control which school you should go to, and if you dont make it they look down on you, which university, when you should date, who you should date, when you start a family, when you are allowed to go out with friends (for's like...once a term? during the pupil free days n stuff...I used to go out more, so like 3-4 times in 3-4 weeks, however, i was told that i had become a liu mang (sortve like street gangster in chinese) for going out with friends, socializing and watching a movie, so I'm now stuck to North Shore on Saturdays, Chinese School on Sundays, and that time to go out). not allowed to have long hair (associated to liu mang's), cut your hair like 5cm long so you just look weird, no hair colouring, make you play an instrument (usually piano/voilin or orchestra related stuff, NO electric guitars, drums etc), scold you bad because ur grades drop (massive lectures that usually turns into you getting shit OP mark because of dropping grades = no job = you suck), and send you off to tutoring (B+ in english = 1 term suffering in north shore).

I'll end with one more point, however im definately sure i havent covered all of the aspects. They always like to compare you to their friends children, ie. "wei shen me john du de zhen me hao...tan qing tan dao ba ji, ni hai zai tang"...soo "why does john study really well, getting A+'s and stuff, he's even finished grade 8 piano, why havent u finished it, u've already spent 9 months doing it." my respone: "I havent been doing it for 9 months, i was out for 3 month because i had a fricken lump in my chest wall, and you told me not to play piano" OH that brings another point...they are really over protective...i have never "slept over" at someones house for more than 5 times a year, and when you go out the curfew is usually around 5-6.

Ill end it here, i was supposed to do geography, and my mum was watching me, so thank god, she doesnt know english so she thought i was doing geo when i was typing this up.

Oh and just for starters, seeing as this is my first blog since i raged so much tonite, i usually type my thoughts as i go, so some bits may be really REALLY confusing.


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