Anticlimaxed with a Hammer

Tuesday, 22 September 2009
hey everyone...
well, holiday mode has finally set in, so that means boredom too =.= today was such an anticlimax to the past three days, and im so tired =O -yawns-

anywayyss...ill probably need a new hobby =O so if anyone got any ideas please fb on msn me =]yeh..such a boring blog because im anticlimaxed today

anyways again, ill add a rant i had in my mind the past couple of weeks. well during science....nah, i cbb describing it so ill do a flashback
(harp music) -flashback-
hey everyone! im in sceince atm...we're watching The Day After Tomorrow! Just chilling, its the 2nd last day of term, and finished all my assesments! ha, and only 2 more days with this crappy science teacher =] anyways...watching TDAT, it comes to a scene, where the boy kisses the girl. Such an "awww" moment, seeing as the boy liked her for agesss. The mood was set, when suddenly...from the back of the class, non other than the Liam Dettering -arch rival of the teacher- yells out "grab her tits!"

-Pause- Up till now, i was enjoying being "in" the mood of the movie. Then here comes someone, who just uses a hammer and smashes the whole mood of the scene. This is just so -sigh-, as it fully stuffs up what the movie was trying to create. k, tbh, i forgot what Liam actually said, but it was something similar to it, as it did fully ruin the scene. But some comments can be added fir humour, and it doesnt ruin the scene. EG The scene where the main character races out of a ship, being chased by wolves. He gets out, and slams the door, where the wolves jump at it. Then someone says "would suck if there was a bear outside" there moment...but i hope u get what i mean =D

-Unpause- Scene fully ruined, everyone laughs it off, and the mood is completely dead. Ah well, lifes life, and besides, ive already seen the movie =]

oh and btw...something is screwing up with my msn, so if ur talking with me...and it seems like i dont respond, its either me not on or had to go, OR its just ive already talked, and waiting for u to talk =O so dont be offended =[ im sorry if i seem unresponsive

i guess this is what u get for being capped =[


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