The social tree

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
hey all,
well, today ive been thinking about the social status of everyone at school...
and really, this is where all the bullying and crap takes place...
which makes me wonder...why are they doing stupid shit? cool? idiots? dont think things through?

Then i thought...of all those people who hate the "Too cools", and i wondered...why?
Being me...i try to be friends with everyone, and always kind to others (unless im joking around course XD)...
but back to the tree...

There are the top --> TC's
This group pretty much belongs to the too cools, height of coolness, usually mucking around, "too cool for school" --> sadly most people in this category think they are better than others, either physically, emotionally, because they are "in" on everything thata cool. So stop here...if you ARE one of these people...just think...are you really better than others? ur better than those nerds who dont have a social life? or those people who work hard at school while you're just mucking around? and remember this...being unkind to others, thinking that you're better than everyone else, what good does it do to you? do you REALLY want to die...knowing that you made someone elses life feeling crap, just because YOU chose to decide to tease or bully them just because they are not like you? are people really going to sink that low? and what good does it achieve? pointing out that they are nerd or stupid will really improve your life?

The Populars
These people are very popular among friends...but are they for the right or wrong reasons? well, i say, you can do w/e you want, just as long as ur not making someone elses life crap (personally like bully etc) So you can act like idiots in class with your mates and joke around, i see no problem in that. And for all those who hurl abuse at them such as "they're idiots, no lives, gonna grow up poor etc" that really necessary? all they're doing is having a fun time with their friends, and as long as it does not interfere with you, i see no problem in it. Of course...the good populars are people who are great with their friends, but also respect other people who are different rather than bullying them...tolerance is a great thing...just learn to tolerate other people and life will be so much more relaxed...there is no need to bottle up anger against other people...

The Others
hmm well, if you're reading this, than you are not any of the above. I can only say this...learn to drive your happiness and fun from the inside, find friends you are comfortable with and just enjoy life...cus really,if you are one of those who hates tc's n stuff, just stop n long as they're not interfering with YOU or others...why stir up trouble? they are who they are, accept that fact, and TOLERATE them, because, chances are if you're kind and polite to them, they will probably still carry on, but they wont personally attack you. If you are in trouble with tc's, just be polite everytime, tolerate what they say, cus really? do you care what words come out of their mouths? just laugh it off, and ignore them, and most importantly stay HAPPY inside...unless of course they are seriously bullying you frquently, ask politely for them to stop, or tell the teacher...what are you going to choose? accepting defeat from some idiots who think they are better than you? or stand up, stay strong and stay happy?

I end here....just sharing what was on my mind, because we all share this world, trying to live our lives as happy as we can, so there is no reason to screw someone elses...
ACCEPT what other people are...because in the end, teasing, name calling such as ur a loser, nerd, fat, will achieve nothing...let them have fun, you can have your own fun...
last time i checked, usually its the tc's who pick on the nerds, and the nerds n stuff are innocently just trying to live their like stop n think, WHY are you doing it? Wouldnt it be great if everyone just tolerated each other? Me, i have lots of friends people would classify as "nerds" but do i really care? NO because i find that unique and skilled, and so what if some of them dont have friends? does that affect you in anyway? And plainly, i love everyones personality, be it funny, out there, loud, quiet, because no one is that same, so rather than trying to be the same as others, just like others for who they are, or if not just accept it and move on...

just...think about


AznManJet said...

On that note, TC's aren't comfortable with who they are generally or they have influences from other people or their life is based around their pride. They compensate for their flaws their ego.

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