
Saturday, 2 January 2010
why are people sad? i can only truly know what sadness is, once you've experienced true happiness. that must lead to...the person misses the happiness, and expects to have it, but when they don't they get sad.

O: then if we don't have any expectations, we don't get disappointed by others, or by our lives.

no expectations = no dissapointment.



AznManJet said...

The problem is that having expectations is a natural instinct of human beings. They cannot be simply eliminated.

Winnie said...

lol - you sound like our CE book talking bout Buddhism :P

Kent said...

I don't know chewy. sounds to me someone just discovered emo. lol

chewiee* said...

@Dave: LOL D: though, humans sometimes expect too much O:
@Winnie: wow, i see D: buddhist...mmm
@Kent: KENT you emo :D so emo didnt even go to schoolies :P

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