bye febuary.

Sunday, 28 February 2010
28 days. 28 posts. im pretty proud O: lol. cheated though, cus i posted twice today :]

a wise word to end the month -stop groaning, think about it, it'll do you good *glares*-
pain often causes us to make bad decisions, however, fear of pain deters us from the right ones.

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. yeh.

the accomplishment of rapping.

LOL. blogging is now an integrated thing in my life now. which felt weird yesterday when i didnt blog o.o
to make it up, ill have two today :D -stop groaning, can't be that boring D:-

soooo. RAP.
it doesnt really have to be like all gangster or w/e, but you know those bits in songs where they sing the words really fast? i guess you'll call that rap ;)or with little breath in between.
and wow, it feels good when you can nail those lyrics when the song is playing. its like "blah blah blah bam bm bam!" -back to normal pace- what now!? -flicks speck of dust off shoulder-

good example of remember the name - fort minor. when you nail those words...yeh, pretty epic. which now im gonna try and learn rap bits in songs, so when its playing ill be like "rap biatch" and in the end -dusts fluff off shoulder-

blah blah blah. weekend has gone too fast =="

yesterday i argued with my mum again... -sigh- i went to sleep at like 8:30, listening to hna. then i woke up at 10:30, and hna was still playing, cept i had already played 2 podcasts and they were talking about the bull thing. was pretty good. and weird. cus i woke up and started laughing in bed. -shifty eyes-

gl. this week. im sure everyone will need it >.<


Friday, 26 February 2010
omg. weekend. THANKK YOUU. i've had the most bs week. handed in eng assignment. hours slept that night was 5. next day had to do chem. slept 5:30 that night. i completely screwed it, i was reading my draft at 12 and was like..." so screwed"

so i handed in a bs draft. did debating tonight. debating was bs too...lost it. ==" got gged by nudgee. the shame.

although i saw a DRIVE IN SULTANS KEBAB RESTAURANT? i was like OOOO: what the heck! it was so fancy too, with lights and cool decorations. we ended up eating subway thoughh. and sanjoe was raging on us and the bs topic. blah.

WEEK IS GONE. -PHEW- sleep in tomorrow, sleep properly for once. my brain has been under so much pressure. and now with weekend my brain feels so much better. :]

chinese school on sunday. like 32 pages of homework to catch up on TT

and then school all over again. tests, assignments, -sighhh-

tired. will socialize. then game. then sleep. for 15 hours.


work work

Thursday, 25 February 2010
work work, yes, in the tone of that builder dude LOL.
i've been swamped in assessments, study and work. i've realised im actually fairly efficient if i have no distractions. unlike last night which i spent till 1:30 finishing my eng. i started at 10 =="

and yet, dam, im procrastinating by blogging now. im gonna finish chem, and then my debating speech. that's tonight's goal. running on super low sleep, i will try and finish all this stuff D: i can't wait till the weekend, ill be sleeping in like x5.

no distractions. no facebook. no ms-actually, i'll leave it on away. but ill promise my work takes priority.

yeh...i think its time to get serious in study. tests are coming up and crap...and all the subjects are like D:

Debating Speech.
and everything else TT

Quest Crew

Wednesday, 24 February 2010
wooow. love their choreographies :]
they took out America's Best Dance Crew recently :]


My Inbox.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010
youtube subscriptions...
ahhh, the best sub box ive gotten so far.
1. vid from rwj - RayWilliamJohnson
2. vid from nat - communitychannel
3. vid from phil, ted and wes - WongFuProductions

RayWilliamJohnsons latest. LOOOL @ the grandma. why can't my brother be more like her D:

Nat's Latest. LOL @ the "asshole"ness of nat. this is soo true :P

Shanghai Expo - Wongfu Productions - this just cracked me up...its too funny "TED" and when he starts chinesing the noodles outta it. "wei shen me ni bu xiang xing wo?" LOLOLOLOLOL. mmm might have to watch previous vids to find the ted thing funny :]

oh and fb link is here! make a photo collage on wongfu, send in your pics!
Click here!

assignment week. ugh.

ha. rage @ chainletters.

Monday, 22 February 2010
i don't actually think people do it because they actually believe in the chain emails/letters right? it floods facebook, floods email. it even floods flooded floody areas D: !!! argh, flood has lost its meaning to me. i said it to much...
flod? flood? D: gah.

yeh...anyways, i think that they do it just for fun ^^
like seriously, even though they sent it. and they sent it to that 25 peoples or w/e, im pretty sure nothing happened to them right?

must've at least learned its just fake :[

and whats with the suspense thing? seriously O:

if something did, i mustve been so scary that i've survived 20 bloody mary's, 20 janettes or w/e those creepy girls, 10 zombie w/e crazed monsters, and have dodged like 20 maniac car cars.

so nothing happens. which i must conclude that they do it for fun. righht? D:

look at amazing suspensful intense countdown, where you have to scroll D: something better be good at the end...

guess what.
it didnt work.

=[ not even worth the scroll down


Sunday, 21 February 2010
mmm, i really want a pet. after months of asking for a dog, turtle, hamster or w/e LOL, my mum said we might get a bird. thats pretty cool, i once saw a bird, so loyal to their owner. it would fetch things for them, like "get me a piece of paper" and it would fly and get a paper for you. and it sits on your shoulder (Y)

wb the toilet you ask? it starts shifting backwards when its on your shoulder, and with a nod itll fly off and do its business somewhere else. how cool is that?


my pet mobster :]

Saturday, 20 February 2010
hahha, i started playing pets LIVE on my touch today...
its like mobsters, except with pet animals, sortve like pokemon. you get to train them and stuff...pretty addictive. ill probs get bored of it like i did with mafia wards/mobsters.

mmm watched a pretty deep and meaningful movie today, called The Hurt Locker. though i guess its not everyones cuppa tea.

oh, and get better soon peggy O:

Inter-house Swimming

Friday, 19 February 2010
bahaha, pretty epic day.
we made the biggest uproar in the corridor, i couldn't even hear myself shouting. -sigh-...we are definitely the most noisy and immature bunch out of the school :D

yeh, and mansfield pride all the way :] us blokes got such good spirit (Y) best house group ever (H)

mmm, that about explains the day, i think im losing my voice from shouting too much.
going to cia tonight. cya all, and have a good weekend :]


I'm with ---> DJ Armand Van Helden

Thursday, 18 February 2010
this is what is on my mind.
the new blast of DJ has seriously made its way up its ladder.
though, more of an old school DJ listener, i would definitely agree with DJ AVH in the article today in mx. DJ's are bs these days. they crowd surf, do jesus poses and stuff...
which i dislike. back in the days, that's a phrase i'll use here.
back in the days when DJ'ing wasn't mainstream, none of the DJ's did this sort of stuff. Now day's DJ's are just big show off's.

but don't get me wrong, one of the best DJ's ever known has said this :P and the new gen of hip hop and rnb, fully auto tuned, will never compare to the talented and artistic sounds of the old school.

it's really a shame. DJ's used to be modest and live for the music. now days i reckon most live for the popularity.

that said, i know there are decent DJ's out there. so im not totally ignorant.
this is more aimed at those *cough* other DJ's.

man, i feel more intelligent already. stupid english assignments make me write more pro-er.

handed in assignment stuff today :D
inter-house swimming tomorrow. then weekend :D time to watch bn, supernatural and house :DDD


The man your man could smell like :]

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Old Spice ad.

Hello Ladies.
Look at your man.
Now back to me.
Now back at your man.
Now back to ME.
Sadly, he isn't me, but if he stopped using lady-scented body wash and switched to old spice, he could smell like he's me.

Look Down.
Back Up.
Where are you?
You're on a boat, with the man your man could smell like.
What's in your hand?
Back at me.
I have it. It's an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love.
Look again, the tickets are now DIAMONDS.

Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady.

I'm on a horse.


bahahahaha. such a good ad (Y)


my epic soaked day.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010
today was intense. full on rain like pshhh pshhh the BAM thunder stuff. O: it was so loud...even our boys where saying "crap...". and thats pretty hc...cus i go to an all boy's school. o.o or does that make it lamer?

D: ah well. it started raining just before the bell went. therefore my trip to the next class involved a full on soak/drenching. seriously the biggest soaking of my life. i tried to protect my books -what a nerd 8)- under my shirt, yet the rain went through it and still got my books D:

i spent that 4th bludge lesson trying to dry out my shirt, as it was house study and we were missing like half the class. teacher scolded me and two other guys for going out into the rain, but we just wanted to go to class. D: i spent that class with no shirt on...trying to dry my shirt. something i would definitely not do in a co-ed school. (wait...that means D: o.o nvm -.- )

lunch time. :] air con. = dry my shirt and socks. nonetheless, it was still wet when the bell for the end of school went.

oh that reminds me, someone tripped and faceplanted while running through the rain, dropped his ipod, then realised 5 seconds later that he dropped it. O: im pretty sure thats a dead ipod :/

so yeah. mass flooding. epic tripping. shouts and screams. full on soaked/wet. thunder bringing down aircon. all in was an epic soaky day.

which i loved :D

OHHH and happy 5th birthday to YOUTUBE! 5 years on, one of the best sites ever 8) (^)


learn from it.

Monday, 15 February 2010
Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. - Jesse Jackson

opening ceremony.

Sunday, 14 February 2010
wow vancouver's opening ceremony was pretty cool. though i only saw like 20 mins of it and my dad was complaining how the people werent as uniform as china was. GET OVER IT DAD :P

mmm lately, ive begun (slowly) to realise the full magnitude of how lucky i am. i probably will never fully realize until i've experienced the stuff for myself...
the shockingness of just...electrifying -ha pun intended :]- nah but was like a huge whoah moment...then followed by a more "whoah...".
that said, i've just glad to be where i am, and i dont care what crap throws itself at me, i will always remember the blessing i've received for just being here.

which is why i've given up on all the pointless things in life that used to drive me crazy. i should've been looking at the BIGGER picture. -draws frame with two fingers-

mm AND happy chinese new year and happy valentines day everyone. hope you had an awesome day (Y)
i myself spent it with 20 hot chicks at a party.
or i should say chinese school...
=.= followed by musical rehearsals.
it's been aight, a day passed is another day of memories.


happy chinese new year + valentines day :]

Saturday, 13 February 2010

vancouver. canada.
usually known as vancouver. but not this year. it's named : host of winter olympics vancooler!
but whats wrong with it that there is no snow! they dont have enough snow for a winter olympics, they actually stacked wood + hay to make the snow level higher. in fact...its the driest winter vancouver has ever experienced...
what a bummer.
should be, vanhotter.

thats like saying, my dog can backflip, and when i get a party over to show my friends, it runs off =[. not going to post of pics tonight...i doubt ill do it anyday now. just give up on it.

oh and a number of stuff to catch up on.

1. congratulations to john and corrie for getting married in a coles supermarket (Y)
2. its valentines day AND chinese new year tomorrow! i dont think that'll ever happen again in my life time. have a great day everyone.
3. valentines mx edition. wow. :]
4. cia launch night...hahaha. shaving cream, body paint, water, water, water, tuna and honey - i swear i woke up this morning and i still had an aftertaste of it :[, and more water. then fans. :]
5. went to landmark today for family dinner. found out my brother is pro at the trivia machine in fun house o.o met some pro master kung fu some wise sensei dude. i was like O:

i hope you all have a happy chinese new year :] and a great valentine's day.
year of the tiger.

yellow submarine!

Friday, 12 February 2010
hahaha. what an epic day. im so tired now though D:
and yes, go yellow submarine! and jake sully hahhah.
short blog, i know, its nearly 11 though and im tired as.
ill post piccies of the stuff i said ill post today up tomorrow.
night all


Thursday, 11 February 2010
my week gets better.
first warm shower in 2 weeks.
so good.

i gtg do homework...lots of it D:
ill post pics of bought stuff my dad n bro brought home :]
here's one taken on the plane and around the place.

how cool 8]

cia launch tomorrow night!
cant wait :]

that's what you call true viet. messy intersection style :]

100th ^.^

Wednesday, 10 February 2010
wow 100th blog. :]
anyways, fitting, as im really happy.
ipod touch! back to me :D wooo!
whole heap of new clothes.
new shoes.
alot of cool stuff my dad brought home :]

this week is awesome!
cia launch night coming up too.
maybe churchie dance on saturday.
musical rehearsals sun.

im so happy i have an ipod again :]
music <3

happy 100th post blog <3


Tuesday, 9 February 2010
i missed you imagination...
but i've found you again :]
and i will never let you go again :P


it's over D:

Monday, 8 February 2010
awww see no evil, hear no evil is over. :[ its been quite entertaining though, with live webcams at andy's house.

my fave comedy duo :]

hamish - deaf
andy - blind

task: go through 50 hours by working as a team. just like the film "see no evil, hear no evil"


hamish driving andy's car. andy listens to the reversing sensor and taps hamish's shoulder for each beep.

hamish tries to trick andy into tasting some quail blood :P -licks lips-

presenting the dish can be hard when one person is blind and the other can't hear :]

if only andy knew hamish was holding a knife...

andy lining up a ball for lawn bowls.

hamish has taken andy's phone and is ordering indian take away in the toilet. i wonder how he does it if he can't hear? :P

andy goes looking for hamish, armed with a vacuum cleaner.

table tennis with hamish's dad.

table tennis with hamish's dad. andy is careful to protect his ping pong balls.

trying to run. andy protecting his jewels again. andy's trust with hamish is a bit shaky...

...and he should be suspicious. hamish makes andy run into a fence.

hamish drew some eye's on andy's patches.

tandem bike riding.

tandem bike riding. success!

hamish was talking so loud. :]


see no evil, hear no evil

Sunday, 7 February 2010
today hna finish their challenge. but its been hilarious stalking them. :]

its a sunday...and time and time again i find i always have a blog each day. i guess im used to it. it's just a jot down of whatever is on my mind.

ah crap. i was gonna type something here...then i went shower...
my cold shower tap is warmer than my hot shower tap. that's how screwed my heating system is :[
can't wait till my first hot shower in like 2 weeks.

founder day service...i gtg to that tonight. :/ seems alright, it's in St John's Cathedral in the city (Y)

chinese new year is soon too. welcome fresh food had decorated the place, so did plaza :] welcome imported a whole heap of cool chinese new year stuff too! pretty cool 8)
oh yes and i suppose its valentines day too...a day in the year where all the single's are stuck up about the feeling of being alone. LOL

oh remembered what i was gonna type!
asian songs always rip tunes off english songs...except they just change bits of it o.o
hahaha, thats all,


suck on that crappy camera.

Saturday, 6 February 2010
fun fact:
each of the human eyes has 250 Mega-pixels. Together, they give you a quality of 500 Mega-pixels...that's pretty amazing.

now...turn around to your phone, and say "suck that, im 250 times better than you're camera!"

also, hna big brother styled.
click for live streaming of hna's "see no evil, hear no evil" challenge

this is so stalking -evil laugh-


pants of friday, into the weekend.

Friday, 5 February 2010
D: i've never loved weekends so much. just to take a break from school...from all the work, being called a retard by my chem teacher and the homework.

ahahha, today Tom got owned by a chinese person. some chinese representatives walked into our mandarin class and started talking with us. of course they talked to all the pro native speakers, and all the white kids were so nervous LOL

woman: 你上几年级?
tom: uhh....crap?
woman + everyone laughs
woman: you fail!

can't wait till china trip!

radio atm. PANTS OFF FRIDAY. :] woooo!
of course its normal to take of your shirt and shorts, wearing boxers, at home. :]
-stop it you seedy people o.o-

hahaha, wow One Way Road - John Butler Trio playing. im gonna dl this song, it's good -laughs-

sam neil? wow...i remember him, jurassic park!
omg jurassic park! i loved dinosaurs when i was a kid ROFLS. they were the coolest, and the jurrasic park movies were so epic...
i might download them again too :D
or watch it on VCR hehehehe.

anyways...enjoy your weekend. can't be as bad a school ^^

i love background workers

Thursday, 4 February 2010
macquarie fail. LOL
worker spotted looking at "stuff" in the background during a live news break.
obviously, this guy is good at what he does. its called free time.

and if you didn't get it, it was miranda kerr -winks-

OMG and wtf....this is just screwed. maybe the photo was dodgy.
and i know ezekiel will never get over lee hyori... D:

this is just screwed.


hold on.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010
when life throws crap at it. you can only fight back. throw crap back at the crap.
last night i nearly snapped, well snapped a bit. i was going to throw it all away. i always thought i had a strong will. but even the strongest will's can be broken. but all you can do, is again fight till you can't anymore.

i won't go into i learned to not write too much personal stuff on a blog.
right's a bumpy ride. but i'm gonna focus on my goal. in the end, that's all matters. everything else is there just to make it better :]

at the end of the day...not all the riches in the world can satisfy us. it's the memories that count. just remember that.

and i pray and thank god, for being the one with shoulders that i could lean on.

mmm. self thought. again.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010
i had a heart to heart convo with ezy...
so girly. yeh...mmm now i can answer the question on social interview or w/e. hahhahaa.

lately i've done a lot of self thinking again. don't get me wrong, its not exactly all good.
-rolls eyes up to brain- -harp music-
*self dialogue*

"mmmm,whatcha sayyy, mmm what you only meant wellll? Well of course you did. mmmm watcha saaayy, mmmm that it's all for the best? of course it is. huh whats that? no i will not go out on a party marathon with 20 hot chicks. i've got school."

oops, sorry, didnt see you there.

oh yeh...mmm im will's brain. D: wow. it's so fat. wth do you eat will?

anyways. yeh. im awesome. i know it. i hope chewiee doesnt post this on his blog. what a fag. so great 8D so awesome!

-runs out of ideas to be stupid to people reading this blog-

ooo, chocolate mousse. got to go. *clap clap*

yeh. well it wasnt really like that...lately i've been down? i think. "whoah". yeh i can imagine you saying that. "will's always happy and cheerful!"

D: i am? mmm, a factor i hate about myself is that i box all my pain inside of myself. i keep smiling cus i want to see everyone else smiling :]

anyways. lately i've been thinking about my personality. well not just my personality, myself really. me as a person.

the truth is. i get along with others really well. i don't pick fights, don't insult people. im probably known as "the nice guy". i could never get mad at people. with this, i've met some truly amazing people in my life. we start of as great friends. but this were it crashes.

i've never had that many "close close" friends, cus usually my personality is so diverse. cmon, who do you know likes rnb/hip hop/gangster music then also likes pop songs, then also likes rock/punk, and THEN likes techno/electro? who likes to be loud and cheerful so many times, then there are these times where they're quietly drawn to themselves? who do you know who used to breakdance/hip hop, yet plays the piano and plays computer games? who do you know that is studious and gets his A's, though loves to party and go out all the time? and that lies the problem. usually people are associated with a typical personality and likes.

i get on well with some people, but when they see my full self, they think the other side is weird. same with the other side?
but i enjoy being myself?

so the people im around me brings out the part of me who i like to associate with them. but don't get me wrong. it's not changing myself to suit other people. it's other people who are like "one part" of me, and i bring out that part when im around them.

this has also ended up with alot of my friends hating my other friends. :[

i don't think i've yet met someone whose had my similar morals, values and beliefs -sigh i know right! just like school!-

but i've met a couple of people who've accepted my whole package. which i thank them for it. they put up with that weird side i have, cus in the end, it just comes down that we enjoy being around each other. and i know i wouldn't dare be as weird as i am around them with others i don't know. :]

and this has made me think. will i ever find someone else other then her? maybe i was a fool.


alot of random crap.

Monday, 1 February 2010
lol. anyways...i got alot of random stuff to say.

the random 7.

random no1. first of all. facebook. people say im too addicted to it. so i'll try and go on it less LOL
but i still reckon its good. and i saw this. LOL so david...

random no2.
oh yeh. maths b teacher is so bs. not just cus he sent me outside for talking, but cus we spent the whole lesson doing two questions. that i finished in 10 mins. chem is also screwed, but the teacher is fine. he swears alot like "sh*t, retarded, bloody, crap, stupid". he says those words alot. LOL

random no3.
mmm today on bus some primary school kids came on. typical new gen z crap. they were all gangster and stuff...well one kid was.
quote "YEH cs all the girls were looking at me"
quote again: "i'm gonna be an adult by the end of this year. no seriously, im gonna become a dad. well at least lose my virginity"
they were so annoying...laughing around at the most random stuff, thinking they're top crap. but its funny cus they live in their own world. and plus they havent even hit puberty yet and their voices were still so high. like girls. and they laugh like hyenas. too bad :[ im glad i didn't turn out like them :|

random no4.
got a crap load of homework again. D:

random no5.
mmm what else. -looks ad davids pm- OH yeh. LOL most screweed bus trip. i learnt the moose game. so stupidly high. i still reckon "moo" game beats moose. but moo only works in public :[
we basically spent the bus trip trying to get people to go on all fours and make moose sounds. was funny :]

randon no6.
LOL on mx today it said Zoo Weekly (you know...the magazine?) had launched a nationwide search to find Australia's Hottest Teacher. LOL. an ad says, and quote "If you're employed as a teacher (need proof) and you're hot enough to cause boys enter early puberty, send photos of yourself." soo funny. downside is, you might get fired for doing it ^^

random no7.
oh yeh. i found a quote...made me double think.

Only when the last tree has died,
and the last river has been poisoned,
and the last fish has been caught.
Only then you will realise that you can’t eat money.

indeed. that was alot of random crap.