pants of friday, into the weekend.

Friday, 5 February 2010
D: i've never loved weekends so much. just to take a break from school...from all the work, being called a retard by my chem teacher and the homework.

ahahha, today Tom got owned by a chinese person. some chinese representatives walked into our mandarin class and started talking with us. of course they talked to all the pro native speakers, and all the white kids were so nervous LOL

woman: 你上几年级?
tom: uhh....crap?
woman + everyone laughs
woman: you fail!

can't wait till china trip!

radio atm. PANTS OFF FRIDAY. :] woooo!
of course its normal to take of your shirt and shorts, wearing boxers, at home. :]
-stop it you seedy people o.o-

hahaha, wow One Way Road - John Butler Trio playing. im gonna dl this song, it's good -laughs-

sam neil? wow...i remember him, jurassic park!
omg jurassic park! i loved dinosaurs when i was a kid ROFLS. they were the coolest, and the jurrasic park movies were so epic...
i might download them again too :D
or watch it on VCR hehehehe.

anyways...enjoy your weekend. can't be as bad a school ^^


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