I Hate Mondays

Thursday, 18 March 2010
dun dun dun dun dun. LOOOL who knew horgs actually created one invention? LOL
the new pro song. its gonna be a hit ;)

Song: I Hate Mondays
Composer: Horgs

Verse 1
I've decided to write to write a song,
about something we all hate.
Some might call it an invention,
but most would debate.
It's predominantly about hating Mondays,
but we will also discuss how we love Sundays.

Verse 2
Your Monday morning alarm goes off,
you try and push out a fake cough.
Anything to get out of the worst day of the week,
Why does everyone Monday have to be so bleak?

Verse 3
Monday reminds me of World War II,
or a DVD about two weeks overdue.
I wish you just disappear from the week,
even your mate Tuesday thinks you're a freak.

Verse 4
Now to Sundays, the day we love,
the appropriate saying there is fits like a glove.
No feeling of sorrow, guilt or grieving,
worst case scenario,you'll do a bit of heaving.

I hate Mondays
You hate Mondays
We hate Mondays
And Sunday agrees for sure.

LOOOOL. EPIC SONG. HAHAHAHAHA. oh and harry connick jr did a really cool transposition of it live today...really catchy hahahaha.

LOL --> Monday reminds me of World War II, or a DVD about two weeks overdue
cus you compare a DVD overdue to World War II LOL. and Monday reminds him on WWII -nods-

Chinese, Chem + debate tomorrow. Then comp on sun. Eng by tues. then off overseas (since four years...) :D


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