
Thursday, 4 March 2010
ouch...-sigh- hna always stupidly gets themselves into trouble. which is why they're hilarious.
andy has fallen over whilst playing ice hockey...he was going at a dangerous 1km/ph, and still managed to get his chin to pick a fight with the ice rink. needless to say, the ice rink one, splitting open andy's chin, and shattering his two front teeth *facepalm* earning a total of 5 stitches and probs $3000 worth of tooth replacement. ding ding ding. bonus point for looking seedy.

like seriously...i was *facepalming* so much when i heard it. was just like "....you idiot...LOL"
D: ugh, i dont know how to upload the seedy laugh, but yeh, because your two front teeth are missing doesn't mean you can stop having fun with it.

1. you look seedy
2. you can pull off the seediest laugh. which andy did LOLOLOL
3. you can substitute stuff for your teeth, eg. gold teeth to look uber rapper/gangster, a chilli fang, a CORN if you are too poor for gold teeth or even a tic tac :]
4. it may piss people off...say megan gale
megan was so pissed at andy...LOL basically argued over the radio. was hilarious :P ahh, another one of those super stupid hilariousity things hna have done in the past.


looking good...or goodly looking? :] (yer...that doesn't work as well as "working hard")

Ice hockeyyy, eyyy wheres my tooth? xP

everyones happy again :] cept megan... we're down one tooth, but we still have those teeth lollies.



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