the accomplishment of rapping.

Sunday 28 February 2010
LOL. blogging is now an integrated thing in my life now. which felt weird yesterday when i didnt blog o.o
to make it up, ill have two today :D -stop groaning, can't be that boring D:-

soooo. RAP.
it doesnt really have to be like all gangster or w/e, but you know those bits in songs where they sing the words really fast? i guess you'll call that rap ;)or with little breath in between.
and wow, it feels good when you can nail those lyrics when the song is playing. its like "blah blah blah bam bm bam!" -back to normal pace- what now!? -flicks speck of dust off shoulder-

good example of remember the name - fort minor. when you nail those words...yeh, pretty epic. which now im gonna try and learn rap bits in songs, so when its playing ill be like "rap biatch" and in the end -dusts fluff off shoulder-

blah blah blah. weekend has gone too fast =="

yesterday i argued with my mum again... -sigh- i went to sleep at like 8:30, listening to hna. then i woke up at 10:30, and hna was still playing, cept i had already played 2 podcasts and they were talking about the bull thing. was pretty good. and weird. cus i woke up and started laughing in bed. -shifty eyes-

gl. this week. im sure everyone will need it >.<


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